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Return of Investment:

Everyone contributing money or time for initiatives accepted by the community via the voting process, will be considered an investor in the initiative if the community doesn’t have funds to compensate contributors. All Voting processes and meeting participation will not be paid.

To incentivize participation and investment a two-tier scale is set out.

  1. All members who have over 70% of participation in the voting processes receive a 1% increase every 6 months (2% annual) over their Initial Investment, which will be paid whenever the network as a whole generates enough income to do so.

  2. All members who have over 80% of participation in the Community meetings receive an adicional  1% increase every 6 months (2% annual) over their Initial Investment, which will be paid whenever the network as a whole generates enough income to do so.

(4% annual maximum for very active and collaborative members).

A monetary contribution will not increase ¨power voting¨, only task accomplishment will. For tose companies that provide a paid service, the service fee is included as a task accomplishment collaboration regarding power voting calculation, and initial investment if the community do not pay for it on the beggining.

The criterion for payback the investments will be FIFO (First In, First Out: the first contributor will be paid first), and the recognition will be keeped even we pay the money back. Example: someone, or an organization that gave 30.000 US$ worth in working contribution, and continue participating in voting  process and community meeting will receive 1.200 US$ per year even we paid the initial investment.  This benefit will not be accumilative (interest over interes) and it will apply on those years the community have paid to all the initial investors.

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